


Log down-lighter table

This is a solid teak wood slice evoking shape of a Giraffe becomes a down-lighter lamp with a table. The table is formed by a 6mm rusted steel plate with a square 8 mm glass sitting on top. The down-lighter cap is a polycarbonate sheet sandwiched with translucent cotton cloth framed by a 6 mm copper flat.

Material used

Brass ring and rod, Indian Mahogany wood, glass top and cover, yellow branded LED light, Monocoat + WOKA Natural oil finish and 3 mt (10 feet) plug wire for the lamp.

Maximum retail price

INR 51,000

Rates Including 18% GST, Shipping costs not included

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LMTB19-C-0098 : Chitrosh

Dimensions (all in mm) : W x D x H

400 x 800 x 1900

Lamp height

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